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Brother Drama Cd

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  1. Brother Drama Cd Series

Ashton was a girl who grew up with a protective brother. She followed the rules, got good grades, and followed her brothers advice. Tyler, her brothers best friend, becomes attracted to her. To Ashton, this is a dream come true. But is it just another fling for the town's bad boy? Brother Android is drama cds by blackbutterfly where we have an android as a brother. Either big brother or little brother. The characters for each volume is different. With only 1 ending for each CDs unlike some other drama CDs. Up until now, theres 4 volume for this.

BROTHERS CONFLICT Character CD 3 with Yusuke & Iori – Track 02 translation~

Hi~ good news, Brothers Conflict Passion Pink just got a precise release date: April 12th YAY o/
Otherwise, the translation of track #2 is up as you could read in the title! I was thinking about dramas CDs I'd translate after this one, and I'm sincerly thinking about doing Uta no☆Princess-sama♪: Magical Ichiko (Drama CD included in the Animate Tokuten limited edition of Uta no☆Prince-sama♪Repeat) because of its epicness XD

Track 02: 相合傘 (Aiaigasa) – Sharing an umbrella together

If you didn't see my tumblr post, Sandra and I, have translated the correlation chart from the official webpage~ Click to see the chart in its original size :)

Stay tuned for the other tracks <3

After filming an interview at a cafe together, Iori and Fuuto sit down for an 'after-show episode.' There they talk about various things with each other.

This track features Iori and Fuuto.

It's kind of rare to see these two together so it was pretty fun listening to this. (〃∀〃)ゞNot to mention Iori and Fuuto are both one of my favourites ehehehe. of course Masaomi is top though.

Fuuto: What kind of presence does my older brother take in my life?? Hm well let's see… Of course we fight occasionally, but when I'm in trouble, Iori-nii-san's somebody I can rely on. In general, just having him there is reassuring. Well I guess that's obvious, since he's a person that's been by my side since I was a kid.

Iori: Yes? What is Fuuto to me? …At home he has his cheeky moments, but in spite of that, he's cute. My little brother's busy, so the times where we can just slowly relax at home are limited. But during the times we're apart, those feelings of cherishing him become bigger. Though my friends often overwhelm me with their remarks of how cute my little brother is too.

Fuuto: A final word to my brother? Heh i-it's a bit embarrassing, what with him being right in front of me. U-Um well… Iori-nii-san. Thank you for everything. Please take care of me as always. Next time let's go get barbecue together okay! Is this kind of message okay I wonder…

*camera beeps*

Fuuto: So we're done filming? Thank you everyone! Of course! Please take care of me again next time! Hey manager! I still have time before my next appointment right? I wanted to spend some more time with my nii-san, if that's okay. It's been a while, so I was thinking that I wanted to talk more. Wait for me at the front. Iori-nii-san, let's go get a cup of coffee together since my manager brought some for us, ne?

Iori: I don't mind.

Fuuto: Yay! Then everyone, good work today!


Fuuto: Ha- They're gone. Iori. Thanks for following the script during the interview. It was kind of stiff, but well, since you're a newbie it can't be helped that you sucked. I guess I might as well offer you my thanks.

Iori: That's fine. But, you wanting to talk with me, what kind of unexpected thing is that all about?

Fuuto: ‘After filming, since it's been a while, with his onii-san, Fuuto-kun decides to go grab a cup of coffee together. Seeing how they get along in everyday life, all the female staff start squealing happily.'

Iori: What are you doing all of a sudden…

Fuuto: Have you heard of a backstage episode? Pretty much, after filming, staff members film the behind-the-scenes stuff, which will appear in the next episode and everything. So that's why, what I just said earlier, that's what I want to aim for~ Females seeing us getting along will be a huge hit after all.

Iori: So that's the reason…

Fuuto: That's exactly the reason. So that's why accompany me for 10 minutes. If we go out immediately, and the camera men spot us, it'll be troublesome after all.

Iori: Celebrities sure have it hard.

Fuuto: Not really. Hey. My coffee doesn't have enough milk. Go get some.

Iori: Even though you put in two already?

Fuuto: It's still not enough.

Iori: Why don't you just get it yourself?

Fuuto: Hah- Your personality seriously has a problem.

Iori: A personality having problems… You're talking about me, not you? (it might be hard to understand, but pretty much Iori is implying ‘shouldn't you be talking about yourself' like that)

Fuuto: That's right. I mean, if nee-san had said ‘I want some milk,' you would have just happily gotten it for her. Yet when your cute little brother asks for it… ‘Why don't you just get it yourself?' Changing your attitude depending on the person, people like that sure are the worst.

Iori: Changing your attitude depending on the person, more like wouldn't that be you Fu–

Fuuto: Hah? What? I can't hear you.

Iori: Without being embarrassed, being able to say that, maybe that's why you were able to come this far as an entertainer.

Fuuto: Wrong. The reason why I'm popular is because of my rare looks and my amazing talent. You commoners won't be able to understand~

Iori: Yeah you're right. Fuu~ Fuu~ …Mn…! Hot!

Fuuto: Seriously you… How long are you going to keep blowing on your coffee? I'm starting to get annoyed you know.

Iori: It can't be helped. I'm not good with hot things.

Fuuto: I know. Since we were kids, I would get annoyed just watching you.

Iori: Fuuto, you don't have a cat's tongue? (note: cat's tongue = not able to handle hot food/drinks)

Fuuto: I got used to it. Often there's not much time on set, so I have to hurry and quickly finish my drinks.

Iori: Heh~ You can get used to it…

Fuuto: …What is this casual conversation anyways. Why am I, face-to-face, talking about cat tongues with you.

Iori: You're the one who invited me to talk longer.

Fuuto: Like I said, that was only for the behind-the-scenes cut. Hah- Just because it's a special about siblings, why was Iori the one who was invited? Our agency's CEO likes your looks way too much.

Iori: I don't think my looks are that special though.

Fuuto: Heh… That kind of humble attitude, are you aiming to have a good image or something?

Iori: Pretending to be humble is natural for Fuuto after all.

Fuuto: That's one of my job's descriptions after all. Oh yeah, by the way–

Iori: Hot!

Fuuto: Don't tell me you still can't drink your coffee?

Iori: Yeah… So, what is it?

Fuuto: What do you mean, ‘what is it?'

Iori: You said, ‘by the way.' So continuing on from there…?

Fuuto: Oh… You actually heard me. I was saying… By the way, in interviews, people often ask, ‘Do you ever think to yourself that you're cool?' Like what kind of answer are they expecting? ‘No way!' A denial like that, just sounds like a lie. ‘Well~' That kind of answer just instantly generates a bunch of hate. That kind of humble atmosphere is seriously so annoying.

Iori: Well, they're probably just looking to see what kind of reactions people have. Whether they're being true or not. To see if they're being natural or not.

Fuuto: …Talking all high and mighty… Then how would you answer it?

Iori: I'm not a celebrity.

Fuuto: I know that! It's a 'what-if' scenario!

Iori: Let's see… ‘I don't think I'm cool,' is how I would answer probably.

Fuuto: Just outright lying… Well that's just like you huh.

Iori: It's cause I really think that way.

Fuuto: Well humble characters have their pros and benefits, if you can play it right that is.

Iori: Then Fuuto, how would you answer it?

Fuuto: ‘Geez! Stop that~!' I would act like the cute younger guy, and be all shy and embarrassed. At times, I would 'accidentally' hit the table, and laugh it off, changing the atmosphere instantly. Or… ‘After I finish a performance, and I see all my fans happy and cheering, I sometimes think to myself, 'Huh? Am I actually pretty cool right now…?'‘ That kind of answer maybe? Of course, all the while smiling and acting cheerful. … …What!? I told you my answer, and you have no reaction?!

Iori: No… I was thinking ‘Fuuto's working hard too…' Today you diligently performed that interview too.

Fuuto: Could you stop taking that 'looking from above' position?

Iori: I'm not trying to look down on you–

Fuuto:Iori you know… Thinking that you can become a celebrity whenever you want, aren't you getting something wrong? Sure, our president wants to recruit you, but this isn't a world where you can live on your looks alone.

Iori: You don't need to be so hostile. I have no plans on becoming a celebrity anyways.

Fuuto:Who did you say was hostile huh?

Iori: It seemed like that to me. If I was wrong, then I'll apologize.

Fuuto: Heh. An emo kid like you. There's no way you're fit to be a celebrity at all.

Brother Drama Cd

Iori: Fuuto you're fit to be one huh.

Fuuto: At this point what are you saying. Of course I'm cut out to be one.

Iori: Mhm. You're fit to be one. Even if it's for work, to be able to act out a different personality every day… You have to be pretty talented.

Fuuto: Are you trying to be spiteful?

Iori: It's my genuine opinion.

Fuuto: Ah. I see.

Iori: At your age, being able to do that much independently, I think it's amazing. To be honest, I'm jealous. …Being independent, you won't be bothered by your noisy siblings, and be able to live peacefully by yourself… (this part is so much darker when Iori says it omg… ●﹏●)

Fuuto: Even if you didn't say that, you'd only have to listen to them. Siblings are just a bunch of noisy people. I'm surprised that you're actually okay with today's interview.

Iori: Because it was at this cafe, that's why. Actually, I had wanted to check out this shop.

Fuuto: Check it out?

Iori: This shop's nice isn't it.

Fuuto: If it's such a nice shop, why am I here with another guy. It should be nee-san who's here with me.

Iori: Fuuto. Are you serious about her?

Fuuto: Who knows~ How about you? Aren't you thinking that you wish it was nee-san who was here with you?

Iori: Well compared to Fuuto, I would prefer a cute girl.

Fuuto: When it comes to cuteness, I'm above girls though~

Iori: Hm? I thought you didn't like being called cute?

Fuuto: What are you talking about?

Iori: I read your previous interview in a magazine.

Fuuto: Hehh… So you actually have interest in me. Despite the fact that you're a shut-in.

Iori: Wataru forcefully showed it to me.

Fuuto: Heh. I thought it was something like that. That was a pretty old article right? If I remember correctly… Back then I couldn't stand being called cute. But now I'm okay with it.

Iori: Hehhh- A change of mind or something?

Fuuto: Dunno- It's just, little by little, when I received the acting jobs that I wanted… Around that time, it just happened somehow. You know this time, reading the script I got, and acting it out, I got the role I wante–

Iori: I'm gonna get a refill on water.

Fuuto: At this kind of timing?!

Iori: My glass is empty after all. Fuuto, do you want some?

Fuuto: I don't need it!

Iori: I see.

*footsteps receding*

Fuuto: Ha- What is it with that person… Well, among our siblings there's no normal people after all. The only decent one is… Louis-nii I guess. Actually no, it's kind of questionable whether Louis-nii's normal or not too…

Fuuto: That guy… Isn't he kinda late coming back? Don't tell me! Did he just leave?! …It's possible. He looks like a well-behaved person, but he completely moves at his own pace after all…

Iori: Thanks for waiting.

Fuuto: UWAH!! W-What. Don't scare me. Why did you come from the opposite direction?!

Iori: Getting there was kinda difficult, so I came back the other way around. Should I not have?

Fuuto: …It's not that you shouldn't have… Your presence is too small!

Iori: Here.

Fuuto: What is it. I said I didn't need water– …Is this cake?

Iori: Yup. Are you gonna eat it?

Fuuto: There's no way I'm gonna eat it.

Iori: I thought you liked Mont Blanc?

Fuuto: Before filming, I have to watch my body weight. Sugar is the worst of all of them! … …Well… I guess I can eat one bite though…

*fork sounds*

(takes a bite of the cake)

Fuuto: Mmmm! Delicious. Just one more bite…! …Just a little bit more. (so cute fuuto >_<)

Iori: I'm glad you like it.

Fuuto: Not really! Anyways, it's kind of rare to see you buy cake. I thought you didn't like sweets??

Iori: You got the role you wanted right?

Fuuto: Huh?

Iori: It's small, but it's to celebrate that.

Brother Drama Cd

Iori: Fuuto you're fit to be one huh.

Fuuto: At this point what are you saying. Of course I'm cut out to be one.

Iori: Mhm. You're fit to be one. Even if it's for work, to be able to act out a different personality every day… You have to be pretty talented.

Fuuto: Are you trying to be spiteful?

Iori: It's my genuine opinion.

Fuuto: Ah. I see.

Iori: At your age, being able to do that much independently, I think it's amazing. To be honest, I'm jealous. …Being independent, you won't be bothered by your noisy siblings, and be able to live peacefully by yourself… (this part is so much darker when Iori says it omg… ●﹏●)

Fuuto: Even if you didn't say that, you'd only have to listen to them. Siblings are just a bunch of noisy people. I'm surprised that you're actually okay with today's interview.

Iori: Because it was at this cafe, that's why. Actually, I had wanted to check out this shop.

Fuuto: Check it out?

Iori: This shop's nice isn't it.

Fuuto: If it's such a nice shop, why am I here with another guy. It should be nee-san who's here with me.

Iori: Fuuto. Are you serious about her?

Fuuto: Who knows~ How about you? Aren't you thinking that you wish it was nee-san who was here with you?

Iori: Well compared to Fuuto, I would prefer a cute girl.

Fuuto: When it comes to cuteness, I'm above girls though~

Iori: Hm? I thought you didn't like being called cute?

Fuuto: What are you talking about?

Iori: I read your previous interview in a magazine.

Fuuto: Hehh… So you actually have interest in me. Despite the fact that you're a shut-in.

Iori: Wataru forcefully showed it to me.

Fuuto: Heh. I thought it was something like that. That was a pretty old article right? If I remember correctly… Back then I couldn't stand being called cute. But now I'm okay with it.

Iori: Hehhh- A change of mind or something?

Fuuto: Dunno- It's just, little by little, when I received the acting jobs that I wanted… Around that time, it just happened somehow. You know this time, reading the script I got, and acting it out, I got the role I wante–

Iori: I'm gonna get a refill on water.

Fuuto: At this kind of timing?!

Iori: My glass is empty after all. Fuuto, do you want some?

Fuuto: I don't need it!

Iori: I see.

*footsteps receding*

Fuuto: Ha- What is it with that person… Well, among our siblings there's no normal people after all. The only decent one is… Louis-nii I guess. Actually no, it's kind of questionable whether Louis-nii's normal or not too…

Fuuto: That guy… Isn't he kinda late coming back? Don't tell me! Did he just leave?! …It's possible. He looks like a well-behaved person, but he completely moves at his own pace after all…

Iori: Thanks for waiting.

Fuuto: UWAH!! W-What. Don't scare me. Why did you come from the opposite direction?!

Iori: Getting there was kinda difficult, so I came back the other way around. Should I not have?

Fuuto: …It's not that you shouldn't have… Your presence is too small!

Iori: Here.

Fuuto: What is it. I said I didn't need water– …Is this cake?

Iori: Yup. Are you gonna eat it?

Fuuto: There's no way I'm gonna eat it.

Iori: I thought you liked Mont Blanc?

Fuuto: Before filming, I have to watch my body weight. Sugar is the worst of all of them! … …Well… I guess I can eat one bite though…

*fork sounds*

(takes a bite of the cake)

Fuuto: Mmmm! Delicious. Just one more bite…! …Just a little bit more. (so cute fuuto >_<)

Iori: I'm glad you like it.

Fuuto: Not really! Anyways, it's kind of rare to see you buy cake. I thought you didn't like sweets??

Iori: You got the role you wanted right?

Fuuto: Huh?

Iori: It's small, but it's to celebrate that.

Fuuto: …W…W…W-What are you being all nice for. It's disturbing. …You're lying right…?

Iori: Yeah. To be honest, I just wanted to check out how this shop's cakes taste like.

Fuuto: You're just checking out the store again?! You seriously piss me off! I'm gonna eat all of the cake!

Iori: Is your body weight gonna be okay?

Fuuto: It's not gonna be okay obviously! Ahhhh~ Because of you, I'm gonna have to go to the gym tomorrow, and work this all off. What are you gonna do about that?!

Iori: I see. Exercise moderately okay?

Fuuto: Don't start acting like an older brother now!

Iori: Then, do you wanna pay me back for the price of the cake?

Fuuto: Thank you for the meal onii-sama! Now then, this is perfect timing, so I'm gonna go now.

Iori: Fuuto. I'm glad I came today. I got to see a side of you that I normally can't see. I'm sure there are a lot of hard times… But work hard and have pride.

Fuuto: …About that… Thanks. … …What ulterior motive do you have this time?

Iori: If you concentrate on your work, around her, there will be one less annoying bug.

Fuuto: You! You're personality seriously has a problem huh?!

Iori: That goes to both of us.

Fuuto: LATER.

*footsteps receding*

Iori: The Mont Blanc here is tasty… Next time, I'll inform her about that. (he's writing down a memo)

Brother Drama Cd Series

AW FUUTO WAS SO CUTE HERE. His 'dere' side was everywhere. (♥ω♥*) Although Iori kept ruining it after LOLOLOL.

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